Evaluating Expressions, part 7 – Transactions and Exceptions

In part 7 of our series implementing programming language constructs with actors, we implement parallel execution of block statements. Parallel execution motivates the use of single-assignment data-flow variables. We also introduce transactions and exception handling. The only extension required to our grammar from part 6 is the inclusion of a THROW statement:

stmt  ::= 'LET' <eqtn>
        | 'SEND' <expr> 'TO' <expr>
        | 'CREATE' <ident> 'WITH' <expr>
        | 'BECOME' <expr>
        | 'THROW' <expr>
        | <expr>;

Parallel Execution

The implementation of statement blocks in part 6 was strictly sequential. Each statement completed before the next was executed. But, statements should really be executed in parallel. We can accomplish parallel execution by changing the statement-pair behavior.

LET stmt_pair_beh(h_stmt, t_stmt) = \(cust, #exec, env, sponsor).[
	CREATE call WITH call_pair_beh(h_stmt, t_stmt)
	SEND (k_call, #exec, env, sponsor) TO call
	CREATE k_call WITH \result.[
		SEND stmt_pair_result(result) TO cust
LET stmt_pair_result = \result.(
	CASE result OF
	(#ok, #ok) : #ok
	(#fail, _) : #fail
	(_, #fail) : #fail
	(#ok, beh) : beh
	(beh, #ok) : beh
	_ : #fail

When stmt_pair_beh receives an #exec request, it creates a call (defined in part 3) to execute the head statement h_stmt and the tail statement t_stmt concurrently. The customer for the call k_call receives the result, which is a pair of values indicating the status of each statement execution. These status values are combined, using the stmt_pair_result function, into a final result value, which is sent to the original customer cust.

Data-flow Environments

In part 6 our statement blocks used dynamic_env_beh to execute within an environment that allowed binding of new variables and rebinding of existing variables. Since each statement was executed sequentially, the order of mutations to the environment was well defined. Now that statements are executed in parallel, there are potential race conditions between variable bindings and usage of those variables. We will resolve these race conditions by implementing single-assignment data-flow variables.

Static analysis of a statement block can easily determine which identifiers will be bound by execution of the block. We use this list of identifiers to create a block environment which declares initially unbound data-flow variables for each identifier.

LET block_stmt_beh(vars, stmt) = \(cust, #exec, env, sponsor).[
	CREATE env' WITH block_env_beh(env)
	SEND (vars, env') TO extend
	CREATE extend WITH \(vlist, xenv).[
		CASE vlist OF
		(first, rest) : [
			SEND (k_declare, #declare, first) TO xenv
			CREATE k_declare WITH \xenv'.[
				SEND (rest, xenv') TO extend
		_ : [
			SEND (cust, #exec, xenv, sponsor) TO stmt

When block_stmt_beh receives an #exec request, it creates a block environment env’. A temporary actor extend is created to traverse the (NIL-terminated) list of identifiers vars that will be bound by the block. For each identifier first, a #declare request is sent to the block environment xenv and the extended environment is passed back to extend along with the remaining identifiers rest. Once all of the data-flow variables have been declared, the extended environment xenv is used to send an #exec request to the statement stmt.

Block Environment

Block environments add a #declare request to the environment protocol. The #declare request extends the environment with an initially unbound data-flow variable, associated with an identifier.

LET block_env_beh(next) = \(cust, req).[
	CASE req OF
	(#declare, ident) : [
		CREATE next' WITH unbound_env_beh(SELF, ident, NIL, next)
		BECOME block_env_beh(next')
	_ : [ SEND (cust, req) TO next ]

When block_env_beh receives a #declare request, it creates a new unbound data-flow variable next’ associated with the identifier ident and inserts it as the new next binding for this environment. The extended block environment SELF is sent to the customer cust. All other requests are forwarded on to the next actor in the environment chain.

Data-flow Variable

An unbound data-flow variable buffers #lookup requests until it receives a #bind request. Once the binding has occurred, and all buffered requests have been satisfied, it behaves like a regular bound variable. This mechanisms allow execution of multiple concurrent statements, each of which may #lookup or #bind the identifier, and ensures that the #bind request completes before any of the #lookup requests are completed. Data dependencies between independent sub-expressions are thus automatically resolved.

LET unbound_env_beh(scope, ident, waiting, next) = \(cust, req).[
	CASE req OF
	(#lookup, $ident) : [  # wait for binding
		BECOME unbound_env_beh(scope, ident, (cust, waiting), next)
	(#bind, $ident, value) : [
		BECOME bound_env_beh(scope, ident, value, next)
		SEND waiting TO NEW \list.[  # deliver value to waiting
			IF $list = (first, rest) [
				SEND value TO first
				SEND rest TO SELF
		SEND scope TO cust
	_ : [ SEND (cust, req) TO next ]

When unbound_env_beh receives a #lookup request matching the identifier ident, it adds the customer cust to the list of waiting customers. Note that there is no response to the customer at this point in time.

When unbound_env_beh receives a #bind request matching the identifier ident, it becomes bound to the value and sends responses to each of the customers in the waiting list. The enclosing block environment scope is sent to the #bind customer as the environment “extended” by the binding.

All other requests are forwarded on to the next actor in the environment chain.

Bound Variable

A single-assignment variable can only be bound once within a particular scope. In order to support this, the bound environment behavior env_beh from part 5 is extended to handle #bind requests.

LET bound_env_beh(scope, ident, value, next) = \(cust, req).[
	CASE req OF
	(#lookup, $ident) : [ SEND value TO cust ]
	(#bind, $ident, $value) : [ SEND scope TO cust ]
	(#bind, $ident, value') : [ SEND ? TO cust ]
	_ : [ SEND (cust, req) TO next ]

When bound_env_beh receives a #bind request matching the identifier ident, there are two cases to consider. If the value matches the bound value, then the scope is sent to the customer cust, indicating that the binding was successful (although redundant). If the value does not match, then the undefined value ? is sent to the customer cust, indicating an error (the environment containing the conflicting bindings is “undefined”).

Exceptions and Transactions

We’ve worked very hard to give a reasonable meaning to practically every combination of language elements. For example, we’ve defined all functions to be “total” by providing a specific “undefined” value ?. However, it seems inevitable that some of our imperative statements will “fail” under certain conditions. When they do, we need a way to signal an exception.

When an exception occurs during the execution of an actor behavior, we ensure that none of the effects (SEND, CREATE and BECOME) are visible to other actors. This amounts to establishing a kind of transaction within which the actor behavior executes. The execution sponsor (described in part 6) is a natural place to implement these transactional semantics.

As a first example, consider the LET statement (from part 5). When the equation in a LET statement fails to unify (as discussed in part 4), the LET statements “fails”. We modify the behavior of the LET statement to “throw” an exception when it fails.

LET let_stmt_beh(eqtn) = \(cust, #exec, env, sponsor).[
	SEND (k_env, #unify, env) TO eqtn
	CREATE k_env WITH \env'.[
		CASE env' OF
		? : [ SEND (cust, #throw, #conflict, eqtn) TO sponsor ]
		_ : [ SEND #ok TO cust ]

When let_stmt_beh receives an #exec request, and the equation eqtn responds to the #unify request with ? (indicating unification failure), a #throw request is sent to the sponsor, which will eventually send #fail to the customer cust.

Throw Statement

The THROW statement allows a behavior to explicitly signal an exception. An arbitrary expression is evaluated to produce an exception value that can provide information about the cause of the exception.

LET throw_stmt_beh(expr) = \(cust, #exec, env, sponsor).[
	SEND (k_throw, #eval, env) TO expr  # evaluate exception expression
	CREATE k_throw WITH \exception.[
		SEND (cust, #throw, exception) TO sponsor

When throw_stmt_beh receives an exec request, it sends an #eval request to the exception expression expr. The customer for this request k_throw receives the exception value and sends it in a #throw request to the sponsor. The sponsor is expected to eventually send #fail to the customer cust.

Transaction Sponsor

In part 6 of this series we introduced the concept of a sponsor. A sponsor can monitor and control access to computational resources. When an actor wants to CREATE another actor, or SEND a message, we delegate that action to the sponsor. This allows the sponsor to implement the transactional semantics we need in order to properly support exceptions.

When an actor begins processing a message, we provide a sponsor which captures the actions requested by the actor. We keep a list of actors created and messages sent during execution of the actor’s behavior. If the behavior completes successfully, we commit the transaction, obtaining the final list of actors and messages.

LET ok_xact_beh(mlist, alist) = \(cust, req).[
	CASE req OF
	#new : [
		CREATE actor WITH new_actor_beh
		BECOME ok_xact_beh(mlist, (actor, alist))
		SEND actor TO cust
	(#send, msg, target) : [
		BECOME ok_xact_beh(((msg, target), mlist), alist)
		SEND #ok TO cust
	(#throw, exception) : [  # raise an exception
		BECOME fail_xact_beh(exception)
		SEND #fail TO cust
	#commit : [ SEND (mlist, alist) TO cust ]
	#revert : [ SEND (#exception, #ok) TO cust ]

When ok_xact_beh receives a #new request, it creates a new uninitialized actor, adds it to the list of actors created, and sends it to the customer cust.

When ok_xact_beh receives a #send request, it adds the message msg and target actor to the list of pending messages, and sends #ok to the customer cust.

When ok_xact_beh receives a #throw request, it becomes fail_xact_beh (a failed transaction) and sends #fail to the customer cust.

When ok_xact_beh receives a #commit request, it sends the list of pending messages mlist and the list of created actors alist to the customer cust.

When ok_xact_beh receives a #revert request, it sends an exception to the customer cust indicating that a non-failed transaction was reverted. This should not happen. We expect a successful transaction to be committed instead.

If an exception is thrown during execution of the actor’s behavior, any actors created or messages sent are forgotten (and reclaimed by garbage collection). We retain the exception value and ignore further CREATE and SEND actions. The executing actor’s behavior will eventually #fail, causing us to revert the transaction, obtaining the value of the exception thrown.

LET fail_xact_beh(exception) = \(cust, req).[
	CASE req OF
	#new : [ SEND NEW new_actor_beh TO cust ]
	#commit : [ SEND (NIL, NIL) TO cust ]
	#revert : [ SEND (#exception, exception) TO cust ]
	_ : [ SEND #fail TO cust ]

When fail_xact_beh receives a #new request, it creates a new uninitialized actor and sends it to the customer cust. This is needed to allow processing of concurrent statements in the actor behavior to complete. The created actor is forgotten.

When fail_xact_beh receives a #commit request, it sends (NIL, NIL) to the customer cust indicating that the transaction had no effect. This should not happen. We expect a failed transaction to be reverted instead.

When fail_xact_beh receives a #revert request, it sends the exception to the customer cust.

When fail_xact_beh receives any other request, it sends #fail to the customer cust.


When a message is dispatched to an actor behavior the customer provided is a monitor that eventually receives an #ok or #fail status. If the status is #ok, we commit the transaction held by the sponsor, dispatching the pending messages. If the status is #fail, we revert the transaction. In both cases the effects of dispatching this particular message/target pair is sent to the configuration in a #trace message (for logging and debugging).

LET monitor_beh(config, msg, target, sponsor) = \result.[
	CASE result OF
	#ok : [
		SEND (k_ok, #commit) TO sponsor
		CREATE k_ok WITH \(mlist, alist).[
			SEND (#trace, (msg, target), (mlist, alist)) 
				TO config
			SEND mlist TO SELF
			BECOME \list.[
				IF $list = ((m, a), rest) [
					SEND (#send, m, a) TO config
					SEND rest TO SELF
	#fail : [
		SEND (k_fail, #revert) TO sponsor
		CREATE k_fail WITH \(#exception, exception).[
			SEND (#trace, (msg, target), (#exception, exception)) 
				TO config

When monitor_beh receives a result of #ok, it sends a #commit request to the sponsor. The customer k_ok receives the list of pending messages mlist and the list of created actors alist, and sends them in a #trace message to the configuration config. The pending message list is dispatched by sending #send requests to the configuration config for each message m and target actor a.

When monitor_beh receives a result of #fail, it sends a #revert request to the sponsor. The customer k_fail receives the exception, and sends it in a #trace message to the configuration config.


The configuration is responsible for actually performing the actions requested, either by an actor’s behavior, or injected from outside the configuration. When a configuration dispatches a message, it creates a sponsor to capture the transaction and a monitor to handle the final status of the dispatch process.

LET config_beh(log) = \msg.[
	CASE msg OF
	(#new, cust) : [
		CREATE actor WITH new_actor_beh
		SEND actor TO cust
		SEND (#trace, ?, (NIL, (actor, NIL))) TO SELF
	(#send, msg, target) : [
		CREATE sponsor WITH ok_xact_beh(NIL, NIL)
		CREATE monitor WITH monitor_beh(SELF, msg, target, sponsor)
		SEND (monitor, sponsor, msg) TO target
	(#trace, action, result) : [
		SEND (action, result) TO log

When config_beh receives a #new message, it creates a new uninitialized actor and sends it to the customer cust. It also sends a #trace message to itself, indicating that an actor was created outside of an actor behavior (thus the action is “undefined”).

When config_beh receives a #send message, it creates a new transaction sponsor and a monitor, and uses them to dispatch the message msg to the target actor. Note that the actor behavior (described in part 6) is serialized, so concurrently dispatched messages are handled properly.

When config_beh receives a #trace message, it sends the action and result to the log, where the provenance of all actions may be recorded.


Over the course of this 7-part series we have incrementally constructed a meta-circular description of the Humus programming language. We started with a simple, but Turing-complete, functional core in part 1. Special handling of conditional expressions was explored in part 2. Composite values, built from pairs, and parallel evaluation were presented in part 3. The pure-functional language of expressions was completed in part 4, with the introduction of pattern-matching equations, a powerful alternative to assignment. Mutable state was introduced in part 5, as a means of handling mutually-recursive references. With this strong foundation laid, part 6 presented an implementation of the actor primitives (SEND, CREATE and BECOME). And in this final, part 7, we have rounded out the language with transactions and exceptions, allowing fully-concurrent semantics even within the behavior of an actor.

Along the way we have seen many patterns and techniques for building non-trivial systems with actors. We have used concurrent, rather than sequential, composition pervasively. We have established and evolved a variety of protocols between actors, allowing significantly different implementations to be substituted in a modular fashion. One of these, the “environment”, was shown at least three semantically-distinct ways, to support the needs of static-binding, dynamic-binding and single-assignment data-flow variables. Hopefully, this exploration will help you better understand the elegance and strength of Humus as a pure-actor language.

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One Response to “Evaluating Expressions, part 7 – Transactions and Exceptions”

  1. Evaluating Expressions, part 6 – Actor Primitives

    […] When an actor’s behavior function is applied to a message, it results in a block statement that represents the actions the actor will take in response to the message. The block establishes a dynamic environment for any bindings created by the statements. The statements are chained together and executed sequentially (parallel execution is described in part 7). […]

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