Erlang-style Mailboxes

One significant difference between message-passing in Erlang and the pure Actor Model is the Erlang concept of mailboxes. Actors don’t have mailboxes, at least not in the sense that they can be queried. Messages simply arrive at some non-deterministic time after they are asynchronously sent, invoking the current behavior of the actor. However, in Erlang, messages are delivered to the mailbox of a process, and the process must execute a receive to query for a message [1].

The semantics of Erlang mailboxes, and specifically the selective receive used to choose specific messages, significantly affects the way programs are written. As Mark Miller says in his thesis, “a typical programming pattern is for a process to block waiting for a reply, and to remain unresponsive to further requests while blocked” [2].

In pure-actor languages, like Humus, messages are processed serially, but in a non-deterministic arrival order. Actors never block, so they are always responsive to message arrivals. When, in the process of handling a message, an actor needs to make a request of another actor, it is common to create a new customer actor to await the reply. This is similar to use of call-back functions in many asynchronous processing systems.

If an Erlang-style mailbox is a better fit to the problem at hand, it is possible to implement it using a group of actors to represent the mailbox. We will explore the implementation of a somewhat more general mailbox mechanism that can be used with multiple senders and receivers. A receiver specifies a pattern that is used to either select a message from the mailbox, or defer the request until a matching message is sent to the mailbox (logically “blocking” the receiver).

Mailbox Behavior

The general structure of our mailbox is a queue of pending send/receive requests waiting to be matched. Each pending request is represented by an actor. The root and end actors serve as sentinels for the front and back of the pending request queue. Our initial mailbox behavior implements our usual lazy-initialization pattern, waiting for the first request to trigger construction of an initially empty mailbox.

LET mailbox_beh = \msg.[
	CREATE next WITH end_mailbox_beh(SELF)
	BECOME root_mailbox_beh(next)

As messages are matched, we will want to remove the actor representing the corresponding send/receive request. A #prune request communicates a new successor to use if our current successor is an actor to be removed. Any other requests are forwarded on to the next actor in the mailbox queue.

LET root_mailbox_beh(next) = \msg.[
	CASE msg OF
	($next, #prune, next') : [
		BECOME root_mailbox_beh(next')
	_ : [ SEND msg TO next ]

If the end of the mailbox is reached without finding a matching message, the send/receive should be added at the end of the queue as a pending request. Receive requests contain a predicate function used to decide if a message is a match. If no match is found, a pending receive request is queued, and no reply is sent. Although no actors actually block, the customer of the receive request will not see a reply until a matching message is sent to the mailbox, logically blocking the receiver. Send requests always reply with the identity of the mailbox root. This serves as a kind of synchronization signal, indicating that the message has either been delivered, or has been successfully queued in the mailbox.

LET end_mailbox_beh(root) = \msg.[
	CASE msg OF
	(cust, #recv, pred) : [
		CREATE next WITH end_mailbox_beh(root)
		BECOME recv_mailbox_beh(root, cust, pred, next)
	(cust, #send, m) : [
		CREATE next WITH end_mailbox_beh(root)
		BECOME send_mailbox_beh(root, m, next)
		SEND root TO cust

An actor representing a pending receive request is listening for a send request that matches the predicate specified by the receiver. When such a request arrives, the message sent is passed to the receiving customer, the current actor becomes a no-op, a #prune request is sent to the root to eliminate the current actor, and the sending customer is sent the root as a sync-signal. A #prune message may also arrive, requesting the removal of our successor. Any other requests are forwarded on to the next actor in the mailbox queue.

LET recv_mailbox_beh(root, cust, pred, next) = \msg.[
	CASE msg OF
	(cust', #send, m) : [
		IF $pred(m) = TRUE [
			SEND m TO cust
			BECOME skip_mailbox_beh(next)
			SEND (SELF, #prune, next) TO root
			SEND root TO cust'
		] ELSE [
			SEND msg TO next
	($next, #prune, next') : [
		BECOME recv_mailbox_beh(root, cust, pred, next')
	_ : [ SEND msg TO next ]

An actor representing a pending send request is listening for a receive request with a predicate that matches the pending message. When such a request arrives, the message sent is passed to the receiving customer, the current actor becomes a no-op, and a #prune request is sent to the root to eliminate the current actor. A #prune message may also arrive, requesting the removal of our successor. Any other requests are forwarded on to the next actor in the mailbox queue.

LET send_mailbox_beh(root, m, next) = \msg.[
	CASE msg OF
	(cust, #recv, pred) : [
		IF $pred(m) = TRUE [
			SEND m TO cust
			BECOME skip_mailbox_beh(next)
			SEND (SELF, #prune, next) TO root
		] ELSE [
			SEND msg TO next
	($next, #prune, next') : [
		BECOME send_mailbox_beh(root, m, next')
	_ : [ SEND msg TO next ]

When a pending send/receive request is matched, the corresponding actor takes on the no-op behavior. While in this state, only #prune messages are processed. All other requests are forwarded on to the next actor in the mailbox queue. Note that the no-op actor will never see its own #prune message since its predecessor will handle it by eliminating this actor from the queue.

LET skip_mailbox_beh(next) = \msg.[
	CASE msg OF
	($next, #prune, next') : [
		BECOME skip_mailbox_beh(next')
	_ : [ SEND msg TO next ]

Test Fixture

We can exercise the mailbox code with a simple scenario. Three #send requests and two #recv requests are sent the mailbox. The #send requests send the symbols #foo, #bar, and #baz. The #recv requests select a message that is equal to #foo, and one not equal to #foo. It is non-deterministic whether #bar or #baz will be matched by the not equal to #foo predicate. The unmatched message will remain in the queue.

CREATE mbox WITH mailbox_beh
SEND (println, #recv, \m.not(eq(m, #foo))) TO mbox
SEND (println, #send, #foo) TO mbox
SEND (println, #send, #bar) TO mbox
SEND (println, #send, #baz) TO mbox
SEND (println, #recv, \m.eq(m, #foo)) TO mbox

The output shown by println will be the two messages matched by the #recv requests, and three references to the mbox actor, one for each #send request.


J. Armstrong. Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World. The Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2007.
M. Miller. Robust Composition: Towards a Unified Approach to Access Control and Concurrency Control. Doctoral Dissertation. John Hopkins. 2006.

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